
Thursday, April 29, 2010

May Day, May Day.....Have you made your weekend plans?

The May Bank Holiday Weekend always marks the start of summer for me. The stretch in the evening has everyone feeling full of energy and eager to get outdoors. Our country turns from Hiber-Nation to Hyper-Nation with people suddenly obsessed with making plans and 'making the most' of their summer. Before you get too caught up in the hysteria of scheduling in your summer fun, why not just seize the day and have some? Here are some simple ideas for random fun this bank holiday weekend.

Lucky Dip Trip

Put the names of all the counties in Ireland (or other depending on where you are from) into a hat. Pick one out, hop in the car and drive! You can figure out what to do onc you arrive at your lucky dip destination! If you do this with a small rather than a large group you will decrease the risk of not finding accommodation, but there are so many B&Bs in Ireland this really shouldn't be a problem.

Camping trip

Let this weekend be the weekend you actually go on that camping trip you'realways yammering on about. Forget all the usual excuses and pack up the tent, the beer and even that fishing rod you've only used once. There's nothing like sleeping out in the open and there is nothing stopping you-apart from yourself! If you don't want to completely immerse yourself in the wilderness there are heaps of official campsites across Ireland.

Local Sightseeing

Are there famous landmarks and attractions in your home town or surrounding area that you have never visited? Sometimes we can all be guilty of missing something that has been right under our noses all along. Why not check out the reason why your locality is might be pleasantly surprised, and if nothing else a little more like a local after!

Dodge Ball Derby

If you have a big gang around this weekend all looking for some cheap and cheerful fun then why not try a dodge ball tournament? Most people have played it before and if not it is easy to pick up (not so easy to dodge!) After a few games you will be well deserved of a couple of beers...and did anyone say BBQ? If you plan on taking your tournament extra seriously, perhaps thinking of making a career out of it, then here are the official Dodge Ball rules.


If your memories of picnics include warm lemonade peppered with sand, crushed soggy sandwiches, being too cold or too hot or too wet and fighting with your parents about not being allowed stay in the car, then you, like me, have lived the typical Irish childhood. But there is another side to picnics-one that does not involve children. Lose the kids and opt for a romantic other or a gang of friends. Pack that hamper with yummy gourmet food and booze and head to a picnic-friendly picturesque spot. Hunger is the best sauce so make sure you have worked up one before cracking the lid on the goodies. A picnic should be earned and relished; you need to either walk into the countryside for an hour, climb a mountain, drive to a distant scenic location, sail to an island.......whatever you do make sure you enjoy getting there and then eating there! A grassy patch beside your local Spar is not going to cut it folks! Always remember to take all rubbish away with you so the next people can have an equally nice time :)


  1. Its been years since ive been camping! What a great idea for a cheap weekend break.

  2. Hi ISCP, I also feel a picnic coming on! All I can think about! Check out my latest blog Picnic Chic!
