
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Ash and Travel Disruption Insurance

The Icelandic volcano has been quiet for a while; it slumbers away in relative privacy, a forgotten celebrity thrown aside by the media.  The disruption and havoc caused by it's ash cloud appears to have faded from public memory like the smoke itself.  Those who vowed not to leave the country for fear of being stranded abroad or losing out on money due to canceled holidays have been lured back by the appeal of sun and cheap deals offered by travel agents and airlines.  

Being both a holiday lover and a travel agent I am of course delighted that people are once again daring to venture outside!  I myself have three trips lined up that I am only giddy to get going.  A word of warning however for all you fellow travellers-There is NO SMOKE without FIRE!  Smokey Joe -or one of his MANY Icelandic cousins-could blow again just as easy!  

What came as a massive shock to everyone 2 months ago will not be so shocking next time round, so it is your job to make sure you are prepared.  The good news is that new Ash and Travel Disruption Insurance has been introduced.  Blue Insurances has announced new Travel Disruption Insurance to protect consumers in the event of any further travel disruptions including Volcanic Ash, Riots and Pandemics, available to purchase through, Blue Insurances or the Irish Travel Trade.

Purchase this additional cover from as little as €17 for an Annual policy or €9.99 for single trips.  Don't let your holiday blow up in your face!  :)

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