
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Happy Arthur's Day!

Thursday September 23rd is upon us and, for the second year in a row, Ireland is preparing to celebrate Arthur's Day.  The people at Guinness have always been great marketeers, highly regarded for their clever and inspiring advertising campaigns, as well as the extremely successful World Records initiative. 

But their latest piece of PR pushing is close to ingenious.  What better way to shed a ray of light on a nation steeped in recession than to encourage them to do what they do best..... take to the streets drinking!  The creativity of this 'holiday' rivals even the Hallmark projects; it has a character (Arthur), a purpose  (raise a pint) and is strategically positioned exactly 6 months apart from Ireland's official day of boozing, St. Patrick's Day.  The addition of Arthur;s Day to the national calender is surely a permanent fixture and, in my opinion, certainly  a welcome one!  The sense of carnival induced by last years 250th anniversary celebrations did much to boost national morale, at least for the day.  Coming as it has during these dark times of high unemployment and overwhelming mistrust of the Government, Arthur's Day reminds us that being Irish means more than just being broke.  Being Irish means bring part of a community that is celebrated across the world for our music, dance, gift of the gab and of course, the craic!  

I for one will be raising a glass this evening.  If not to toast Arthur for giving us the black stuff, then to toast him for giving us an excuse to let our hair down!

Happy Arthur's Day!  


For more information on Arthur's Day visit the Guinness website.  


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