
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

City Break Season

Spring is the awakening season for more than just nature.  It is generally the time of year when that traveller's itch starts to itch that bit more!  With Winter over and the Summer in sight the urge to get out of the house, the town, the country becomes unbearable.  Given that it is still too cold/wet/elementally unreliable to plan an excursion based solely on outdoors living and pursuits, we flock in our thousands to various cities across Europe looking to scratch that itch with some urban sampling of the foreign variety. 

Over the next few weeks the Top Tips for Trips Blog will focus on European city destinations and what they offer the itchy tourist :)

Having just returned from a 5 day trip to Paris (in case you're wondering I was not swept there for a romantic Valentine's weekend....a girly shopping spree took priority!), the French capital is first on my list for review.  Still itchy after the spree I immediately booked a weekend in  Berlin on my return-so I will end  my city break season with a review of the German capital.  In between expect lots of tips for city breaks in Europe, including my top ten picks!  

For now I leave you with a word of advice: If you want to fit in a mini-break between now and summer NOW is the time to book :)